January 2017 Update
January 17, 2017
Dear SMBC Supporters,
Happy New Year! We hope you had the opportunity to spend time with your friends and family throughout the Christmas season. SMBC continues to be blessed. We believe God continues to bless our mountain because we try, every day, to be blessing to all our SMBC family. We made the commitment to continually update you about what is going on at Camp. You can expect to receive quarterly reports throughout 2017.
We are excited to share with you how 2016 ended.
1. We began work on a new Outdoor Pavilion on the hillside behind Magnolia. This space will serve as a central worship gathering area for assemblies and gatherings. This area has been designed with versatility in mind.
2. We completed a renovation on the covered deck next to the mess hall.
3. Families from around the Cookeville area, as well as friends and family of our Board of Directors gathered in Cookeville for the first annual SMBC Benefit Dinner: Cookeville. As of today, we raised approximately $25,000! Woodbury, Manchester and Cookeville will host similar events during 2017.
We want you to know that we are working hard! Before the 2017 camping season we are working on the following projects.
1. We plan to paint and refurbish the gym.
2. New fencing will go up throughout the middle area of the camp.
3. A major upgrade to our website will be completed.
We want to express our thanks to each of our supporting congregations. Without the monthly/budgeted support from Churches in Middle Tennessee, we could not operate. We also want to thank each individual that contributes to the camp. Without individual support, camp would not be possible. If you are not currently a monthly contributor, we would humbly ask for your consideration. No amount is too small to make an impact in the ascetics and safety of camp. No amount is too small to make an impact in the spiritual growth of over 1500 people a year!
If you are looking for a place to serve, donate, or pray for, SMBC is that place! If you are interested in learning more about the benefit dinners in Woodbury (April), Manchester (September), or Cookeville (December), please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. You can also check out our facebook page or website.
Our commitment at SMBC is to increase our communication and to better facilitate a safe environment for your kids. Your support would go a long way to helping us achieve our mission. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. Don’t forget: We would love to meet with your mission’s committee, elders, do a congregational presentation, or meet you personally.
SMBC Staff