Welcome home to SMBC
Short Mountain Bible Camp has been actively involved in making new and better disciples of Jesus since 1953. Our mission is "building lives for the journey." Everything we do and teach seeks to fulfill that mission. For 70 years, we have achieved numerical and spiritual growth. Join us in the future as we continue that mission!
2023 Quick Facts
1635 in Attendance
59 Baptisms
336 Group Prayers
896 Bible Studies
63 Group Lessons
Warren/White County - May 26-May 31
Maury County 1 - June 02-June 7
Maury County 2 - June 09-June 14
Putnam County - June 16-June 21
Coffee - June 23- June 28
Collegeside - June 30-July 5
Cannon County - July 7-July 12
New in 2024!
RISE University
SMBC will host the first-ever College Weekend on September 13-15, 2024. This spiritual weekend will be called RISE University. The theme for the weekend is Kingdom Come. This experience is designed for all college-age young adults (Recent high school graduates and young adults not in college are welcome) to learn and worship together. If you've been to SMBC many times, or never at all, College Weekend will be a great time to connect to God and disciples from different places. The cost is $30.00.